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CCR Well Represented at the NCRA 2012 Annual Convention and Exposition

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Hobart, IN---The National Court Reporter Association held their annual convention during the second weekend of August in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Among the various court reporting vendors, schools, and professionals, College of Court Reporting had the greatest representation of students and faculty.  Their forty-plus attendees made their presence known throughout the convention hall as they demonstrated new technologies and handed out free T-shirts. Approximately 20 percent of the students in attendance at the national convention were College of Court Reporting students.

The focus of the College's attendance at the convention was to promote the school's newly offered ev360 Professional technologies to students, schools, and professionals.  ev360 Professional offers students, schools, and working reporters the opportunity to practice and advance their skill using LIVE and recorded virtual classes, thousands of hours of audio and text practice at speeds up to 350 words per minute, over 7,400 evaluations, and the ability to create practice material and share it publicly.  ev360 Professional contains the largest library of practice material for court reporting students and professionals.

CCR held its annual Student and Faculty Pizza Party on Friday, August 10.  The gathering was, once again, a success, as about 40 students and faculty members were present in the dinner hall.  Each student and faculty member took time to introduce themselves—a memorable activity for all, due to the number of students that attend the school online and have never met until the convention weekend.  Executive Director, Jay Vettickal, closed out the meeting by announcing that CCR was awarded the U.S. Department of Education 2012 Training for Realtime Writers grant.  This $300,000 grant will be used for scholarships for enrolled students and to assist graduates in purchasing professional equipment and software and improve their realtime skills.

The final day of the convention was just as exciting.  Anyone who watched a demonstration of ev360 Professional was entered into a drawing for $500.  As students, staff, and reporters crowded CCR's booth on the convention floor, Jay Vettickal announced that Cindy Repman, a working reporter, was the winner of the five $100 bills.  

The College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association.  In December of 2003, CCR was one of five schools chosen throughout the entire United States from among all colleges and universities to participate in the U.S. Department of Education's Distance Education Demonstration Program.  The College is now on track to produce more graduates than any other court reporting school in the country.  For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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