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College of Court Reporting Student Earns NCRA Scholarship

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Hobart, IN--College of Court Reporting (CCR) is proud to announce that one of its very own students is the recipient of the National Court Reporting Foundation’s 2013 Frank Sarli Scholarship. In order to receive this scholarship, the nominee must have met a specific list of criteria and, according to the NCRF website, “must possess all the qualities exemplified by a professional court reporter, including professional attitude, demeanor, dress and motivation.” In 2013, the winning nominee is Justine Kiechel.

Justine is an online student from Pennsylvania. She learned the Moody Method theory of computerized machine shorthand in CCR’s Fall 2010 semester and is now writing at 225 words per minute. With just a few requirements left to complete before graduation, Justine has already demonstrated that she will represent the college and the profession well in the working world.

The scholarship, a $2,000 award, is named after a man who dedicated his professional life to court reporting, and especially to students, serving many years on NCRA's committees and boards that guide the education of court reporting students. A few of the criteria necessary for nomination are: the nominee must be an NCRA member; the nominee must be enrolled at an NCRA-certified school; and the nominee must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

When asked how she felt about receiving the award, Justine wrote:

I was surprised and incredibly grateful to be the recipient of this awesome scholarship. It has given me that extra boost I needed to push me through the end of my journey at school. I am putting the money towards the purchase of my professional CAT software, and I couldn't be more excited about it. Thank you so much for allowing me to accept this award. It is an honor.

College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association. With the help of CCR’s innovative minute-by-minute evaluation method, the College is now on track to produce more graduates this year than any other court reporting school in the country. For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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